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Cara Download Film
1. Situs Download Film
Berikut ini adalah daftar situs download film yang bisa Sobat download. Tinggal cari aja film yang ingin di tonton. Siapin saja kuota yang gede kalau pake paketan internet, dan juga koneksi yang kenceng. Karena biasanya file film itu besar ukurannya. Berikut ini listnya:
2. Menggabungkan File
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4. Putar di CD/DVD Player
Ada film yang bisa langsung di putar di CD/DVD Player dan ada yang tidak. Coba lihat format filenya, kalo yang bisa diputar ekstensinya .avi, .mpg, .vob, .mpeg. Tapi yang paling bagus adalah yang .avi, biasanya gambarnya lebih jelas. Ekstensi itu format file yang tercantum pada nama file paling belakang.
Tapi jika film yang sobat doenload tidak dapat di putar di Player, maka sobat harus merubah file ekstensinya ke format yang mendukung, yaitu .avi, .mpeg atau .vob. Untuk caranya juga sudah saya jelaskan di blog ini. Coba sobat lihat Cara Mengubah File MP3 dan File Video.
Memang agak sedikit panjang Sobat, tapi paling lama proses downloadnya. Kalau yang lainnya cepet, tapi kalau speed internetnya cepet, ya semuanya cepet. Oke, itulah tadi tutorial Cara Download Film Gratis, Terbaru dan Mudah beserta situs download film sampai proses pemutarannya. Semoga bermanfaat,...
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Monday, March 14, 2016
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
How a Family Business Transformed Their Services with TeamViewer
Can you imagine living and working with your partner 24/7? Family Cucco do it. Mr & Mrs Cucco family run business that offers IT-support using TeamViewer. During one phone call, Mr. Cucco tells the story of their sweetness.
At TeamViewer handles customer service calls from Italy. Most of the time this means doing anything from helping the Italian-speaking customers to activate their TeamViewer license, to provide assistance in setting up the Management Console, and make sure that they get the most from using our software.
I remember one afternoon, after taking espresso from the coffee machine and back to my digital world - not even one minute had passed since I switched my phone back to active, and it started ringing.
I was picked up, and within seconds the first call I knew I would enjoy helping these customers.
At the other end of the line is Mr. Cucco. He spoke quietly, listening intently and I got the strong impression that he wanted to know the best way to support the customer, and that he will be linked to the customer within one minute after the call to give him support.
He explained how he and his wife worked together, and we had a great time together founded the Management Console for exactly as he and his wife needed.
As a supporter, Mr Cucco want to be able to manage customers, create a group, keep the devices its customers use the service queue feature, and allow Mrs Cucco, their accountants, to have a complete picture of the completed work, including comments and billing info for different customers.
TeamViewer story of this family business Cucco
As Mr. Cucco and I talked, I became very curious about his case and story TeamViewer.
They created the company LINEARETTA Srl 6 years earlier, taking advantage of their wealth of experience in building software packages and offers software services.
In addition they decided to offer the system maintenance, managerial and administrative support to their customers.
their clientele consists of small and medium enterprises and services, and a multinational company with offices in Italy.
Thus the customer base, Mr. Cucco and his wife have many challenges to overcome in their daily work, such as frequent updates for various operating systems, maintenance and anti-malware protection controls, and overseeing a network computer.
Challenges in supporting the delivery
Before finding TeamViewer they are often required to travel to their customer's office to provide support on the site. Only part of software development of their business can be completed at the office LINEARETTA.
Increasing the number of customers and issues relating to the services they encourage family companies to seek solutions that will enable them to provide remote assistance.
"Before using TeamViewer we tried a variety of software solutions, but the results are not satisfactory, mainly because of the difficulty of management." - Mr Cucco told me.
After finding TeamViewer, spoke with several specialists, and the successful outcome of a few weeks of testing, they decided to go to TeamViewer as their remote support solutions.
Currently used TeamViewer full time in the family business and has been a real success story. As Mr. Cucco told me, they have a major advantage in saving time and money:
The ability to immediately provide support to customers who have a problem
Saves time by eliminating the need to travel to the location of each customer
Savings made the load is reduced (petrol, transport etc ..)
very good results with TeamViewer
LINEARETTA obtained very good results with TeamViewer, and now their primary tool for communicating with customers and for long-distance services they offer.
TeamViewer continues to develop and implement new features to fit the ever changing needs of our customers.
It is important that our customers receive help to solve problems and learn which functions TeamViewer can be used to perform the functions they need in their business.
It made my day talking to customers TeamViewer outstanding, and to help them be more successful if I could.
If you ever want to find out more about how to use TeamViewer to solve your business challenges, please contact us - we will be happy to help.
At TeamViewer handles customer service calls from Italy. Most of the time this means doing anything from helping the Italian-speaking customers to activate their TeamViewer license, to provide assistance in setting up the Management Console, and make sure that they get the most from using our software.
I remember one afternoon, after taking espresso from the coffee machine and back to my digital world - not even one minute had passed since I switched my phone back to active, and it started ringing.
I was picked up, and within seconds the first call I knew I would enjoy helping these customers.
At the other end of the line is Mr. Cucco. He spoke quietly, listening intently and I got the strong impression that he wanted to know the best way to support the customer, and that he will be linked to the customer within one minute after the call to give him support.
He explained how he and his wife worked together, and we had a great time together founded the Management Console for exactly as he and his wife needed.
As a supporter, Mr Cucco want to be able to manage customers, create a group, keep the devices its customers use the service queue feature, and allow Mrs Cucco, their accountants, to have a complete picture of the completed work, including comments and billing info for different customers.
TeamViewer story of this family business Cucco
As Mr. Cucco and I talked, I became very curious about his case and story TeamViewer.
They created the company LINEARETTA Srl 6 years earlier, taking advantage of their wealth of experience in building software packages and offers software services.
In addition they decided to offer the system maintenance, managerial and administrative support to their customers.
their clientele consists of small and medium enterprises and services, and a multinational company with offices in Italy.
Thus the customer base, Mr. Cucco and his wife have many challenges to overcome in their daily work, such as frequent updates for various operating systems, maintenance and anti-malware protection controls, and overseeing a network computer.
Challenges in supporting the delivery
Before finding TeamViewer they are often required to travel to their customer's office to provide support on the site. Only part of software development of their business can be completed at the office LINEARETTA.
Increasing the number of customers and issues relating to the services they encourage family companies to seek solutions that will enable them to provide remote assistance.
"Before using TeamViewer we tried a variety of software solutions, but the results are not satisfactory, mainly because of the difficulty of management." - Mr Cucco told me.
After finding TeamViewer, spoke with several specialists, and the successful outcome of a few weeks of testing, they decided to go to TeamViewer as their remote support solutions.
Currently used TeamViewer full time in the family business and has been a real success story. As Mr. Cucco told me, they have a major advantage in saving time and money:
The ability to immediately provide support to customers who have a problem
Saves time by eliminating the need to travel to the location of each customer
Savings made the load is reduced (petrol, transport etc ..)
very good results with TeamViewer
LINEARETTA obtained very good results with TeamViewer, and now their primary tool for communicating with customers and for long-distance services they offer.
TeamViewer continues to develop and implement new features to fit the ever changing needs of our customers.
It is important that our customers receive help to solve problems and learn which functions TeamViewer can be used to perform the functions they need in their business.
It made my day talking to customers TeamViewer outstanding, and to help them be more successful if I could.
If you ever want to find out more about how to use TeamViewer to solve your business challenges, please contact us - we will be happy to help.
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